Pakistani cricketer Shaheen Shah Afridi married the daughter of former Pakistan captain Shahid Afridi on Saturday. But, well before the couple officially shared the pictures and videos from the wedding, certain 'leaks' surfaced on social media. Understandably bemused by the act, Shaheen took to Twitter and lashed out at those who shared the wedding pictures, 'hurting' his, his wife, and their families' privacy. The couple had seemingly asked the guests to be a part of an 'unplugged ceremony' by turning off their phones but unfortunately, that didn't happen.
"It's very disappointing that despite many and repeated requests, our privacy was hurt and people kept on sharing it further without any guilt. I would like to humbly request everyone again to kindly coordinate with us and not try to spoil our memorable big day," Shaheen took to Twitter, criticising those who shared his wedding pictures.
It's very disappointing that despite many and repeated requests, our privacy was hurt and people kept on sharing it further without any guilt.
— Shaheen Shah Afridi (@iShaheenAfridi) February 4, 2023
I would like to humbly request everyone again to kindly coordinate with us and not try to spoil our memorable big day.
The wedding ceremony took place in Karachi while many Pakistani cricketers, including the likes of Shadab Khan, Babar Azam, Fakhar Zaman, and Sarfaraz Ahmed, were in attendance.
The couple had gotten engaged last year. On the occasion of their wedding, Shahid Afridi, Shaheen's father-in-law, took to Twitter to confirm that his daughter and the Pakistani pacer are tying the nuptial bond.
"Daughter is the most beautiful flower of your garden because they blossom with great blessing. A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart. As parent, I gave my daughter in Nikkah to @iShaheenAfridi, congratulations to the two of them," he wrote on Twitter.
Daughter is the most beautiful flower of your garden because they blossom with great blessing. A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart. As parent, I gave my daughter in Nikkah to @iShaheenAfridi, congratulations to the two of them
— Shahid Afridi (@SAfridiOfficial) February 4, 2023
Shaheen Afridi, who suffered a knee injury last year, is presently on his way to making a full recovery. He is working hard in the nets to be ready for the Pakistan Super League Season 8.
from NDTV Sports-Cricket
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